Rust skins item history

See dates, prices and all occurrences of Rust item store skins + current Steam market price.

Low Poly Pickaxe

Low Poly Pickaxe

Price on Shop:
Bare Bones Pickaxe

Bare Bones Pickaxe

Price on Shop:
Wasteland Pick Axe

Wasteland Pick Axe

Price on Shop:
Overgrown Pickaxe

Overgrown Pickaxe

Price on Shop:
Rebar Pick Axe

Rebar Pick Axe

Price on Shop:
Doodle Pickaxe

Doodle Pickaxe

Price on Shop:
Deep Sea Pick Axe

Deep Sea Pick Axe

Price on Shop:
Hunting Pick Axe

Hunting Pick Axe

Price on Shop:
Chaos Pick Axe

Chaos Pick Axe

Price on Shop:
Norse Pickaxe

Norse Pickaxe

Price on Shop:
Toothed Pick Axe

Toothed Pick Axe

Price on Shop:
Tactical Pick Axe

Tactical Pick Axe

Price on Shop: