Rust skins item history

See dates, prices and all occurrences of Rust item store skins + current Steam market price.

Lowpoly Python

Lowpoly Python

Price on Shop:
Wasteland Python

Wasteland Python

Price on Shop:
Reptile Python

Reptile Python

Price on Shop:
Blackout Python

Blackout Python

Price on Shop:
El Diablo Pyhton

El Diablo Pyhton

Price on Shop:
Obsidian Python

Obsidian Python

Price on Shop:
Bullseye Python

Bullseye Python

Price on Shop:
Shards Python

Shards Python

Price on Shop:
Noir Python

Noir Python

Price on Shop:
Neo Soul Python

Neo Soul Python

Price on Shop:
Python Python

Python Python

Price on Shop:
Solar Python

Solar Python

Price on Shop:
Star Python

Star Python

Price on Shop:
Comics Python

Comics Python

Price on Shop:
Jade Python

Jade Python

Price on Shop:
Training Python

Training Python

Price on Shop:
Cardboard Python

Cardboard Python

Price on Shop:
Stealth Python

Stealth Python

Price on Shop:
Venomous Shot

Venomous Shot

Price on Shop: